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Details & Information

The idea is simple – to create, as a community, an Oracle deck that represents & celebrates our love for each other & the universe around us. The deck will include 44 cards. So, pick the word that speaks to you the loudest & show us what it looks like to you. No judgements; art is in the creation & sharing of the creation. If you can make a joyful noise, you can share your joy visually as well. You can select from the list of inspirational words included in the Submission Form. So, we need to end up with 44 different words/images to include in this deck. Since you’ll be submitting a digital image (must be PDF, JPEG or PNG format), you are free to create with any medium you choose. You will be required to release the image to Tarot Love Community for use in this project. All proceeds support Tarot Love Community & our Scholarship Fund.

Angel/Spirit number 44: Accomplishment; Laying a Foundation; Grounding; Arrival of Abundance; Nearby Angels & Guardians

Cost to purchase the deck is yet to be determined.

As always, questions can be emailed to

Tarot Love Community Scholarship Fund

Mission Statement


In extension of the Tarot Love Community Mission Statement, we also believe that everyone should have access to the necessary resources for Spiritual Development, regardless of financial status. In addition, we recognize that our Readers, Teachers ,  Healers & Creators   deserve compensation for sharing their time & gifts; we each have 3D bills to pay, after all. So, in the spirit of our stated Mission, we have created a way for those whose financial blessings surpass their needs & who wish to share their bounty with community members who need Spiritual guidance or wish to further their Spiritual education but lack the financial resources to take advantage of the services & offerings of the Tarot Love Community’s Registered Members. 

Scholarship Donations





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Learning Lunations 2022
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